Urosphere is pleased to announce another step in its commitment to the highest quality standards. Urosphere obtained the certification of its Quality Management System (QMS) ISO 9001: 2008 provided by Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance (LRQA), a world’s leading...

ORGANOCAN : UROsphere collaborative project.

Colorectal cancers and those of the urological sphere (prostate and bladder) are among the five most common cancers. A chronic inflammatory condition predisposes to the appearance of some of these cancers (colon, prostate). Today, the available experimental models...

UROsphere will present its latest scientific developments in preclinical sex health models at the annual meeting of the American Urological Association, to be held in Orlando, Florida, May 16-21, 2014.

    Dr Julien Allard will present two moderated posters (session Sexual Function/Dysfunction/Andrology: Basic Research II, room W307) on Monday, May 19th, 08:00-10:00 AM:   Poster 1: Dapoxetine inhibits erectile responses to stimulation of cavernous...